Blended Food Color

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Blended Food Color

Synthetic food folors which is widely used in all food industry as a colouring agent.

Blue Fox Brand Blended Food Colours with BIS (IS') Certified Mark

Blue Fox Brand BIS, Synthetic food colour which is widely used in all food industry as a colouring.

Example: 100gms, 1/2Kg, 1Kg, 25Kg and 50Kg as per customer needs.

Blended colors are derived from mixing different primary as well as secondary colors either independently or with one another. The resultant colors are unique I color property and provide a different feel to products where these are added. Because of limited basic colors availability, these colors are used in food and can be made available in more hue and color options as demanded by the customers. With our expertise in formulating pure range of blended food colors, we ensure these are derived from appropriate mix of primary and secondary food colors.

We also provide technical solutions for food related industries.